Here is our new Holo Electric Board! It is Awesome! 🙂 The old paper board was fine, but it was designed to the board game with all the limitation of paper and printing. So when I got the chance to reimagine
Alpha 2 Update – Holo Electric Board

Here is our new Holo Electric Board! It is Awesome! 🙂 The old paper board was fine, but it was designed to the board game with all the limitation of paper and printing. So when I got the chance to reimagine
Quick progress update on Alpha 2. I just add the first arena to the game where the Robogram matches will be played. The mini arena will give a more immersive experience especially for the future VR mode and story mode.
After releasing the first Alpha version, right away we jumped in on planing the next release. Here is our plan for Alpha 2. I will try to do a release monthly. Not absolutely sure we will have all the following, but I
We made it! We got the first playable demo out. It is so exciting. I looking forward to your feedback. 😉 Alpha 1 has playable offline 2 players game. It has 24 cards of C++ deck. Cards are identical to the printed version of the